Enterprise Cyber Security Experts

Securing success in the cyber realm: real-world impact for a digital age

Cyberattacks disrupt daily business operations and undermine customer trust in your brand. Preventing and combating these attacks requires strategic preparation that includes rapid, rehearsed responses to protect critical assets. Our Cybersecurity-as-a-service (CSaaS) offering provides each of these crucial pieces of defense to assess, improve and operate your security program. 

Our cybersecurity consulting services focus on 4 key areas: Cost reduction, risk reduction, new technology implementation & staff training. We package these tactics into a holistic approach that ensures your employees understand & use the cyber security protocols but more importantly are able to recognize and defend against cyber attacks. 

Our years of experience across diverse client industries have exposed our team to a myriad of unique threat models, infrastructure and security requirements. Allow our cybersecurity advisory & consulting services to help establish a proactive IT security posture and build resilience across infrastructures and cloud, mobile or IoT endpoints.

Make Cybersecurity Your Competitive Advantage

Your company needs security to sustain operations. When your cyber security matches and surpasses your competition, you gain a competitive advantage. Four main benefits come with a world-class cyber security platform: cost reduction, risk reduction, advanced tech & advanced staff training. 

Our managed security services (MSS) push the boundaries of detection, filtering out noisy signature events or known malware detections, providing protection at every stage of the attack. 

Cost Reduction 

Cybersecurity professionals are highly sought after, making them difficult and expensive to hire full-time. Cyber consulting services offer another avenue to filling this gap. Third-party experts, such as our managed security services provider (MSSP) team, can train up your existing staff. 

Cyber Risk management & Reduction 

Working across a multitude of industries, our experienced MSSP consultants have witnessed cyber-attack tactics first-hand. This earned wisdom allows for proactive measures to be installed in the most vulnerable areas. Our MSS framework allows us to drastically reduce the time to detect and respond to threats; protecting your team for the entirety of the attack cycle including pre-breach, breach and post-breach phases. 

New Technology Implementation

 A useful analogy we use on the relationship between hackers and developing new cyber security systems is the relationship between bacteria and antibiotics. The bacteria is constantly penetration testing for weaknesses in the antibiotics defenses. Over time it will eventually succeed. Developing an entirely new antibiotic is time consuming and expensive and it too will eventually fail. The more cost effective solution is to train the medical professionals to spot symptoms earlier and fight the bacteria with surgical precision. Allow our MSSP team to push the boundaries on your detection capabilities, filtering out the noise to isolate and eliminate the threat. 

Staff Training

The best cyber security system in the world is useless if your staff doesn’t adopt it; a case that is far more common than you may think. Other cyber security consulting firms simply train employees on how to use the system, but we go above and beyond that by educating your employees on how to proactively spot & respond to attacks. We teach the “why” so they understand the importance  of their due diligence leading to staff buy-in and a more successful adoption of new defense protocols. This is an investment in your employees that protects the value of your company & brand.

How to tell if you need cybersecurity consulting services

There are a few questions you can reflect on in order to understand your level of cyber consulting and service needs: 

  • What executive visibility do you have into security protocols? 
  • Do you have a qualified Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)? 
  • What processes do you have in place to recognize a cyber threat? 
  • How will your team respond to a successful attack? 
  • Can you monitor and adjust who has access to your most sensitive information?  

Over our years of cross-industry cyber experience we can say with confidence the answer is usually yes, you are in need of a security fortification. Depending on the current state of your security infrastructure we will recommend one or all three of our services: MSSP team, Virtual CISO and cybersecurity-as-a-service (CSaaS). 

No matter the service that is best for you, our consultants will act as an extension of your team; improving resilience, strengthening security posture, bolstering critical asset protection & enabling for better executive visibility into security operations.

Cybersecurity Advisory Services Case Studies

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A person using their finger to touch an ERP illustration

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Hands typing on a keyword with a cybersecurity illustration overlay

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Client Testimonials

Vestibulum commodo sapien non elit porttitor, vitae volutpat nibh mollis.

A woman looking to the side and smiling
John Doe CEO / The Company LLC

Aenean sed nibh a magna posuere tempor. Nunc faucibus pellentesque nunc in aliquet. Donec congue, nunc vel tempor congue, enim sapien lobortis ipsum, in volutpat sem ex in ligula. Nunc purus est, consequat condimentum faucibus sed, iaculis sit amet massa. Fusce ac condimentum turpis. Ut consequat lacinia augue, vitae aliquam sapien.

A woman looking to the side and smiling
John Doe CEO / The Company LLC

Aenean sed nibh a magna posuere tempor. Nunc faucibus pellentesque nunc in aliquet. Donec congue, nunc vel tempor congue, enim sapien lobortis ipsum, in volutpat sem ex in ligula. Nunc purus est, consequat condimentum faucibus sed, iaculis sit amet massa. Fusce ac condimentum turpis. Ut consequat lacinia augue, vitae aliquam sapien.

A woman looking to the side and smiling
John Doe CEO / The Company LLC

Aenean sed nibh a magna posuere tempor. Nunc faucibus pellentesque nunc in aliquet. Donec congue, nunc vel tempor congue, enim sapien lobortis ipsum, in volutpat sem ex in ligula. Nunc purus est, consequat condimentum faucibus sed, iaculis sit amet massa. Fusce ac condimentum turpis. Ut consequat lacinia augue, vitae aliquam sapien.

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